About Us


PAPADEV is committed to a unique, community-driven development process that was designed by the organization’s founders. This community development process is grounded in a concept of development in which community-level change grows out of community members’ own identification of their development needs and their active participation in initiatives to address those needs. Within this conceptual framework, change occurs as community members become empowered to recognize in themselves, the responsibility to initiate development processes and the power to take advantage of opportunities to improve their living standards and well-being. This process of community empowerment, mobilization and action is catalyzed and facilitated by an external facilitator.

PAPADEV has played the role of facilitator and partner in the above process in the Bole and Sawla/Tuna/Kalba (STK) Districts of the Northern Region for twenty (20) years now. PAPADEV’s facilitation and partnership role has established the organization as a relevant and effective partner in the development of the Bole and STK District.

The Purpose of PAPADEV is to uplift the standard of living of the people by promoting development in deprived communities in the western corridor/ districts of the Savannah Region of Ghana, enhancing access to health, education, reducing poverty through increased socio-economic activities and environmental management or protection.

PAPADEV is well known for its ability work with local communities particularly in community mobilisation for development activities or projects. Community level training in Alternative income generating activities for women and farmers and training in environmental management and climate change adaptation initiatives.

Key Achievements

PAPADEV’s achievements in relation to major projects carried-out include:

o   PAPADEV has successfully implemented the Complementary Education Programme (CEP) whereby over 2,500 out-of- school children (48% girls) were given 9 months mother tongue literacy and numeracy and transitioned to the secular school whereby some have completed SHS and at least two in the University with four years funding from Ibis- Ghana.

o   Through the Complementary Basic Education Project with Ibis Ghana/DFID,  it has since 2013 to date mobilised and animated  over 400 communities and formed and trained 2,750 Local Management Committees (60% women) to assist manage the CEP classes effectively.

o   PAPADEV has successfully advocated for the establishment of five new schools in remote communities in Bole and Sawla-Tuna-Kalba Districts to take care of the children from these remote areas.

o   With regards to Health, PAPADEV, with funds from Star-Ghana promoted the acquisition of National Health insurance cards by over 3,000 (62% female) community members.

o   Led advocacy groups to advocate for the establishment of three Community Health Compounds and posting of health Staff to man them. As well as lobbying for the provision of easy access and entry into in health facilities by Persons with Disabilities using wheel chairs.

o   Has assisted 60 persons living with HIV to form an Association (DISO) in Bole District and assisting to provide necessary skills in income generation  with initial funds to operate and access to ARV drugs in two Districts.

o   PAPADEV has facilitated the formation and activities of 20 HIV Peer Educators Clubs and provided a manual to guide their operation and enhance their knowledge of the disease.